The realms of Spirit, Breath, Life ~ Shamanic Endeavors

Archive for February, 2012

~ Leap Day Surreal ~

Time as healing source of energy….

~ Allowing time to reconfigure what was/is seemingly mixed up ~

~ Allowing time to be a salve for the catalysts through the Higher Self ~

~ Allowing there to be enough time. ~

~ Pop out of time ~

 ~ Pop in to time ~

“Theologue: The Union of Human and Divine Consciousness weaving the fabric of Space and Time in which the Self and its Surroundings are embedded.”



A Perspective Study

This amazing collage work was created by French Illustrator, Julien Pacaud. Clients include Nike, Swatch, Le Monde and MIT News. Before becoming an illustrator, he was “an astrophysician, an international snooker player, a hypnotist and an esperanto teacher.” He hopes that someday “I can have enough free time to devote myself to my real passion: time travel.” More of Julien’s work

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Rainbow Beings’ Totem Medicine ッ

A friend had posted this picture of what I deemed a ‘Rainbow Beetle.’

I started think, what would a ‘Rainbow-Animal medicine’ be?

Perhaps…a Chakra balancer…a reminder of inviting color therapy into your life…a reminder to practice Shamanic Journey increasingly in your life…to meet new realms, new teachers, new Spirit guides, new friends.

In Ted Andrew’s, Nature Speak oracle book, Actual Rainbow’s medicine is that of a hidden gift. Andrews considers the medicine of the Rainbow to be that of the: hidden to come forward in a bright, positive way because LIGHT refraction is bringing forward the spectrum color, in a Rainbow! So, when you’re seeing Rainbows, especially a patterning of encountering rainbows — even the fact that you’re reading this post, Rainbow Medicine is coming your way. Here it is:
“There is a gift coming your way. It has been hidden, and will be a (good) surprise. It may be a gift, long overdue.” Also, “Look for opportunities to heal and be healed.” So, keeping your awareness at the forefront, yet relax, surrender. Allow your inner knowing to whisper truths, needed next step of guidance in your ear. Therefore, you can respond in such a way, for your highest and best good to bring blessings and FUN, into your life.

Rainbows carry the full spectrum, literally and figuratively of healing and balance. Allow, gently, THE WHOLENESS of your system to be strengthened by the full spectrum!


7 minute, Rainbow Chakra Tune-up!

Full Hour Crystal Bowl, Rainbow Vibration Meditation!


When we hear about the Rainbow Warrior…what does it mean to you?

“To People of the land, the Rainbow held significance. Prophesies and stories of many nations, from the Hopi and Zuni in the Southwest to the Cherokee in the Southeast, from the Cree in the far north, the great Sioux nations of the plains, to the Mayan people of the far south, the Rainbow was a focal point of spiritual belief.”

In the Cree tradition… it was prophesied that one day, because of the human’s distortions and greed, there would come a time, during a sadness as the earth being polluted and disrespected– there would rise the “Keepers of the legend, stories, culture rituals, and myths, and all the Ancient Tribal Customs.” These people would be needed to restore us to health, making the earth green again. Understandings of the Ancients’ way would be mankind’s key to survival. Those who were Keepers of these understandings were the “Warriors of the Rainbow“. There would come a day of awakening when all the peoples of all the tribes would form anew: Justice, Peace, Wisdom, Freedom and recognition of the Great Spirit.

We are THE FAMILY OF Light. We are the Ones we’ve been waiting for.

Get DOWN, my people!!! Groove to some mindful action and Be Peace!


A pic, which I shot, one beautiful October day, near the Cooper River ~ when w/ a very dear friend. Feeling the Love & Togetherness…the sky mirrored my harmony.

And finally ~ I’d like to share, one of my ultimately favorite trees. The Rainbow Eucalyptus!

How is this tree so Rainbow-ous?! : “The bark shedding cycle gives the rainbow eucalyptus tree its vibrant colors. As the tree grows, the smooth bark peels away. This exfoliation of the outer layer of bark gives way to the bright-green inner bark. The additional colors are a result of the bark maturing, with dark maroon being the last color before the bark is shed. Because this process does not occur all at once on the tree!”


Rainbow Eucalyptus Tree -1. Detail of trunk.

Pic by JannK on Flickr


“Rainbow Eucalyptus”

Pic by Bojorchess on Flickr


Road to Hana – Rainbow Eucalyptus

Pic by chad podoski on Flickr

GOD/GODDESS, the cosmos, LOVES US! And there is your proof.

Being One with the Rainbow,

Kate Bee Moon

The call of the Wild: How your Nature friends can heal you, through sound.

Earlier this week….I found myself suddenly descending into the rapid need to lay in the fetal position on the floor with torso-centered bodily cramping, washing over me. As soon as I began to lunge toward my bedroom area of my home — “Ca-caw!!!” The screaming sound of a Blue Jay, imitating a hawk. I mean, it was LOUD, heard through my windows…from the woodland behind my home & burst through– in true shamanic, detailed intricacies. The sound vibration penetrated the moment….and got right in my face and ears.

Such a strengthening came over me. Like if you go to the chiropractor and you receive that laser therapy to strengthen a weakened limb,~~I suddenly was solid again, in the moment– with the sound of the Jay! I stood up, and meandered into my morning rituals, with a profound gratitude…

I write this today to thank my Animal Spirit friend for healing me, with a quick swoop and a call, this week!


Swooping Blue Jay

Photo by ‘Lisa!!!’ on Flickr


~Blue Jay

Photo From~ Bob Oakville on Flickr

Male and Female Blue jays do look alike, except the males, are  a bit larger. Blue Jays do form life long, monogamous pairs and the male will fed the female as she is brooding. How’s that for some totem medicine for ya?

Blue Jay Totem: <– Linsdomain’s writing, link embeded.

Similar to this vid, below, there are quite a few ‘mini-docu’s’ about a variety of animal friends! Interesante!!!!

This is an extremely HD sound vid with amazing calls of the Jay. Have this vid on good speakers, if you can.

An ol’ tyme audio field guide of bird calls! A six part video series. Awesome! I love learning my bird calls!!!!

Singing the songs….To The Winged-ones’ realm, Aho!


Blue Jay

Photo From iceberg_ca on Flickr

⊕ Shamanic Endeavors ☼ : Portion Tres ~ Journey Work

Susan Seddon-Boulet ~ Bear Woman Dancing

Let’s talking about Journeying!! In the shamanic world, doing Journeywork is also called the entering into the alternate reality or non-ordinary reality.

Often you’ll hear from shamanic practitioners that in the alternate reality or non-ordinary reality, that one can visit the Lower, Middle and Upper worlds.

The Upper World: A non-ordinary reality where one would intend to move upwardly in a landscape, in your mind’s eye, within one’s Journeywork. This is an ethereal place where angelic beings, teachers, and our ancestors can be found. One may even met a bird shamanic guide here!

The Middle World
: This realm co-exists along with ours in current time. Shamanic practitioners journey to this realm to help find lost objects, soul fragmentations, in soul loss instances. This type of work is called Soul Retrieval. Ususally a practitioner who is performing specific works of healing, do visit the Middle Realm. Also, a practitioner can assist spirits which are stuck in between worlds, to cross over to the upper world. Helping spirits which are stuck, due to some kind of trauma  is called ‘psychopomp’ work. Sometimes there may just be residue energy on a portion of land or in a home. Also, this shamanic middle world work of psychopomp can help clear that energy too. However, utilizing the use of burning sage, cedar, frankincense, myrrh and sweetgrass– all air very much in clearing a space when intent is made.

The Lower World: “An ancient world that is inhabited by power animals and teachers that guide and protect us from harm. Shamans and shamanic practitioners commonly journey to the lower world to meet their power animals for guidance and instruction on preliminary analysis of a client’s condition. The treatment plan can be implemented in non-ordinary for ordinary reality.” One may intend to move into this alternate reality by intending in a journey to move downwardly, in a landscape, in your mind’s eye, in Journeywork.

Some info here I’ve wrote, with the help of Soul Retrievals dot com. <– Link embedded.

Rhythmic beats and/or sacred instruments really aid your  pre-frontal cortex in your brwin to take a back seat to deep consciousness.

Journey work is Trance Work! <– Information below from this website.

“Trance state is often interpreted to be religious ecstasy that can be created using a variety of techniques like prayer, meditation, religious rituals, pranayama, music, fasting or consumption of drugs. Trance can be created in a subject knowingly of unknowingly. Trance can be created with or without a reason. The type of technique used to induce trance depends on the mental attitude of the subject. The result of the application of trace technique therefore varies. There are many natural and neutral methods for inducing trance.
Auditory driving is one method for generating trance in a person. It affects a person through the sense of hearing. Techniques like chanting, story telling, singing, music, drumming and mantras are used for inducing trance using auditory driving. This method of inducing trance works using a process called entertainment. This method of trance of now commonly found in dance and music culture. This considered as modern version of shamanism. Jam bands can also be used to create the same effect. The services offered in churches uses this technique to induce trance in the listeners Trance state helps for neural connectivity and to solve human problems. Conversational Hypnosis is also employed to create state of trance. Conversational hypnosis works by making person move into a dream like state by showing him what he wants to get.
The usage of repeated rhythms can also induce trance. This is an ancient method used all over the world for inducing trance. Shamanistic practitioners have been using this method to induce trance for centuries. Entertainment and synchronization is the process behind repeated rhythmic trances. The breath rate and heart rate will be affected by the stimulus from the auditory channels. Rhythmic sounds can affect brain activity. The theta brain waves are affected by the auditory stimulus. Auditory stimulus can result in altered state of consciousness. Trance music creates the same effect of the military drums in the mind of the listeners.
Visual driving is another method used for generating trance in human mind. This method induces trance using the sense of sight. This method also works though the process called induction. Visual driving creates more visual imagery in the subject. The person will have decreased physiological responses. The brain wave frequencies of the subject will be altered as a result of visual driving. It affects the entertain process of the brain thereby increasing the learning capability. Visual driving can produce deep relaxation and euphoria. This will increase the creativity and problem solving ability of the brain. The theta waves of the brain are affected by visual driving trance method.
Kinesthetic driving is another method or inducing trance. This method uses the sense of feeling for generating trance. Movement of the body by dance or story telling can be used for kinesthetic driving. Other methods used for kinesthetic driving are mudra, rituals, breathing exercises, yoga, sexual stimulation or oxygen deprivation. The sense of feeling, touch and emotions are used to generate trance using the process called entertainment. You may be aware of some rituals performed by athletes before a competition. This was considered to be superstitious. But they are actually entering in a trance state that will help to improved there concentration. This will enable them to focus completely on their target.”

This is an excellent book about trancework, journeying to the alternate realities in ecstatic bliss– with Dance, by Julia R. Zay. Highly recommended by yours, truly!

Shamanic Journey is symbiotic with a rhythmic beat or a sacred instrument, to aid in turning off that overly wrought — with mental formations,  portion of your brain, (the prefrontal cortex). This allowance of the prefrontal cortex to take a backseat to assist you– to move into the deep mind. If you feel you do need some extra support, if you have not done Journeywork before, then most likely, in your area, there are Journey circle communities where you can gather and share Journeywork together. Also you can find practitioners who give some support and suggestions for your trancework and personal Journey time. Browse online on sites like for events and communities.


But really, all you need to do is take some quiet time today and see what messages messages you are getting from the land.  The Beings (animals, plans, minerals, etc.) of the land will communicate with you if you allow some silence and deep reflection, in your days. You can experience this communication without the use of psychedelics or hiring your own psychic,  all for a large fee– about things you probably already know, with your own intution.

Let us not doubt our intuition, in this crucial time.

Here is an example of a guided Shamanic Journey.

Through Shamanic Journey techniques, it is uncovered all which that you need to know. The messages of truth have been right there, inside of you. For instance, in the city near me, a new quadrant of a mall was to be built. A student in one of my Shamanic Reiki classes began to take some time for her own Journeywork. She had a message come to her by a vision of a woodpecker, in her Journeywork. The Woodpecker suggested that she pass along a message to delay and stop the building of the mall– because it infringed on the woodpecker’s, and most likely many other bird species,’ habitat. Our Shamanic Journeying friend wondered if this information, which she received in Journeywork, was really true & what she could actually do about it. She began to do a little research. She found that, indeed, the mall’s construction interfered with a RARE/endangered woodpecker’s habitat! Hence, this was an incredible confirmation of her intuitive power. Now, she  also could go as far as connecting and make a contribution with groups, working to protect the land habitat. Even just spreading through word of mouth about land concerns, can be enough support of raising awareness and inspiring toward making a change.  Her story also strengthens the fact that this connectedness and ability to attune to nature is prevalent and happening, NOW.

If you already practice Journeywork or would like to try it, spend some time in Journey. Find a favorite rhythmic drum track, which you’d like to listen to. Headphones or speakers will either do fine. Find a quiet/sacred space which you enjoy being in, to be cozy. Lie down to listen to the rhythmic track, which you’ve chosen. Set and intention about something you’d like to explore or know more about. It’s important to not be suddenly aroused out of trancework, so please, be gentle with yourself and choose a space where you will have undisturbed peace. Preferably for a relaxing journey, darken the room– or place a handkerchief over your eyes. Much of the time, this enhancement of the dark, invites forth heightened sensitivity of the body’s other devices than sight of the two eyes. The darkening of artificial and outdoor light  helps you go into the deliciousness of the dark of the inward mystery.

Enter into a landscape, in your mind’s eye and see what you see. Much of the time, you’ll see an entrance point in a landscape, like a hole in a tree, a cave or you’ll be drawn to climb up a vine, or a rainbow!  Through your intention you’ll be able to manifest in your mind’s eye, to see guides — either animal or human form, within your Journey. Ask these animal or spirit guides your questions. Many times, you will meet with lifelong spirit guides and animal totem spirit guides. You also may be shown symbolism. If you do see an animal in your Journey, research the specific ‘totem medicine.’ If at any point, in the Journey, you’re not receiving clear answers or there’s a lull, ASK to see more. Perhaps your Journey will more be about bodily sensations and healing. If so, that’s ok and normal. Allow that to be and receive some of that alternate reality support through the unseen, healing Lightwork, coming through for you. If you feel uncomfortable during the journey, ASK for the scenes or energy to ‘ease up.’ This is all within you, so, you are safe & you call the shots and make the boundaries. As the drum track comes to a close, emerge from the Journey by seemingly allowing the imagery to rewind or imagine yourself moving backwards through the space you’ve been in. This process is a safe way to slowly bring your awareness back into your fingers, toes, limbs, torso. Stretch slowly. You may find it beneficial to journal about your experience. It’s always amazing to reread journal entries, as you may find insights from the past, speaking to your present day self, for one example!

Also, if you feel comfortable to do so, facilitate a Journey circle gathering. Many times, you’ll find when doing Shamanic Journey with friends, the message and images, sync up together! As a group– solutions, ideas, support, the missing pieces–all come together, in the time of sharing, after the Journeywork. Also, the group dynamic generates healing within each other and outwardly. One of the best things people, on the positive path, can do– is gather with like-minded, good folks and set intentions, be in meditation and send Light.

It’s really positive for us to take some time in Journeywork and self- reflection!!!! It is this self-reflection which helps us grow Spiritually, to become increasingly mindful, aware of our bodies, our needs, our intuition!

Susan Seddon Boulet ~ “Polar Bear’s Tale: The Power of the Bear

If you’re looking for some more guidance about shamanic healing and shamanic Journey ~~ Please, free free to leave a question in the comments, or see my website: …as well to leave comments there, to ask questions and also place your contact info, if you’d like, more privately.

Next to come on Shamanic Endeavors– Power Animal Totems!

❅ Everything’s coming up Snowdrops! ❅

To my delight, as I stroll around the grounds where I live, I see the Snowdrops, popping up! Alas– Spring is on it’s way. Tonight, as I write this, there may be a light dusting o’ snow, to be falling, upon the ground. This is nothing that the hardy Snowdrop flowers can’t handle.

The metaphysical or symbolic meaning of Snowdrop is that of Hope and Strength. Yes, regeneration & regrowth, heralding the come of Spring.

We certainly had a mild winter. I enjoyed checking the Farmers Almanac in November 2011, and reading that we may have little snow, this winter.  (I think I belong in a warmer region! 😉 ) Here we are in later February, to find, again, what a reliable resource, is The Farmer’s Almanac, indeed. Thus, far in 2012 — I’m grateful for not only a non-blizzard filled winter, honestly…but also SO GRATEFUL for new/old friends in my life, a deeply rooted spiritual community, and supportive family. You all keep me warm and hopeful, for better and better life-giving situations to come! To ONENESS of all!!!

~Geometry of
the Sacred, I see expand
In Gentle Snowflakes.~
❉ ˚ ˚ ˛❈˛ • ❄❉ ˚ ˚ ˛❈

by Kate Bee Moon

Some snowy music and vids below….

~Peaceful Winter remnants~


The Bees be.

As we’ve come to understand, our bees are either under various types of attack or are ‘disappearing.’ Since around 2006, we started to hear more of one aspect of this strife of disappearance. We’ve come to know this as ‘Colony Collapse Disorder (CCD). This is when worker bees disappear. Hence, entire bee colonies are wiped out, in essence, almost overnight. Other bee diseases: parasitic mites, viruses, fungi as well as pesticides are all on the forefront of the ‘depopulation’ of our honeybees.

We are well aware of our interdependence to the honeybee, and ALL species. To  keep such balance, for our continuation on earth, we need our bee’s!  We need our nature in harmony. This is a blog of sharing reflections of possible solutions toward taking steps– either small or large which can serve as a spiritual evolution to yourself and to the planet, as we focus on: How to change our ways, thus positively affecting the ways of the masses, to help bring the Bee back, to just be.

“The leaf and his body were one. Neither possessed a separate permanent self. Neither could exist independently from the rest of the universe.” ~Thich Nhat Hanh “Old Path, White Clouds

~Thich Nhat Hanh~

We can sit here, ponder and surmise that the disappearance of the bee is a smaller and ever-progressing mirrored fractal of our existence. A disconcerting and despairing snapshot of the suffering of the honeybee seems as though, it may be an intricate plot, when we bring to mind the fever pitch, at which world events have progressed. As one does descend down the ‘truther’ rabbit hole — One thing leads to another. It comes into focus that the ‘powers that be’ or more aptly– the powers that ‘AREN’T” could very well maniacally and ritualistically utilize the bees, amongst many, many other pawns to move toward our continued depopulation. Well, even though this power elite doesn’t like it, there’s STILL more of us, than… them–The 1% of the aristocratic ‘aire’s o’ billions,’ making choices to muck up our sky and land without consent. We see, thus– a causing of breakages, in microcosms, leading to the macro –(as though I have to mention it.) So let’s work on and towards solutions, together. It’s BEEN time for Archaic Revival…as Terrence McKenna, with inspirational fervor, spoke about. My personal focus today is awakening and merging into what the LAND knows and what the LAND wants to say, through sobering, clear, unquestionable intuition. TODAY, we’ve come so far. Our wholeness of being is in the ~~ Quickening. The most exhilarating piece here is ~ We are awakening to that very expanding understanding of reality–where plant medicine has lifted the veils to see, in times past.

I’m so inspired to write and speak in a colorful, circumstantiated way, after hearing talks by Terrence.


— Think of the movie “A Bug’s Life,” Even though, this may incite a chuckle of silliness–(& speaking of insects in this blog.)  …Seriously, our situation: The masses versus the 1% is laid out, uncanny, in this very animation, if you haven’t noticed. 😉 This is one, light example of answers to our plight, hidden out– in the open. Band together, get smart & transform.


  • ~Farming and Fun: The Human Connection~

Let’s also reflect that we can pull forth as a Community of Love, strength and wisdom and find solutions. Ask your local beekeepers if they could utilize any informative research & help, manpower or monetary support. Also, Carefully and mindfully tend to the land on which you dwell. Invite the extra amounts bees onto your land with certain planting/gardening techniques. Organize guerilla gardening in your city neighborhood. Let’s visit our local farms and have open discussions about their techniques and understanding of the best ways to honor the land and also keep the pollination, ALIVE and well, for our bees. If there is a co-op farm near you, see about opening a dialogue of having a more juicy, inviting plant-life on the land which builds on the indigenous inter-webbing of needed balance. Together, planting and and tending well to growth in our areas, provides pollen and nectar to attract bees, building a symbiosis to also avoid the unnecessary use of pesticides. I’ve visited many Amish farms,  in my neck of the woods, to discover what shamans, indeed, that they are. The Amish farmers and beekeepers whom I have met are people of heart, understanding and respect for herbs, healing and growing fruits and food for sustenance.  I mean, they’ve been living without our societal stressors and expectations.  They know what’s up and they know the trickery of the GMO’S and they aren’t participating! I’ve taken some pointers from these friendly neighbors. A young Amish girl directed me to read, ‘Seeds of Change’ from the library, and made me aware that almost all corn is a GMO & try to avoid it as much as you can. So, yes, let us make more connections with humans to coalesce those pieces of the societal conundrum puzzle, which seems dispersed in our reality.

  • ~Online Research~

As I researched online, I found several sites that gave some very many practical and step by step instructions on how we could traverse wisely on the winding road of concern for our honeybees. I have enclosed some cited resources here.

I read a most on-point article about Mindful Bee Keeping. The author broaches a topic: Vegan Bee-keeping. <– Link there.  An excerpt from the article: “In my hives, there are 2 deep boxes with one small super on top. This means the bees can store as much as 160 pounds of honey per hive all for themselves, while I take between 10 and thirty pounds as rent. This leaves both me and my bees with more honey than we know what to do with.”

We can most definitely reflect on how that if we build communities together, little pockets of sharing and cohabiting, there’s enough for everyone. What are actions which you already do to more mindfully consume food and products? An article here, I’ve linked about ways of “Mindful Consumption in a Hyper-Consumer World” is quite helpful!


  • The cell phone tower problem with Bees:  How Orgonite may help!!!!

Bees affected gravely by cell tower/phone radiation waves– what is a solution?  After I have been researching about how Orgonite shifts the energy — emanating from the cell towers around you– I thought, this could be a potential remedy in reversing the harmfulness of the towers into a transmutation conduit of HELPFUL energies! The various stones, metals and coils utilized in the creation of orgonite, actually creates a field to protect from harmful radiation, protection and balancing from and with heavy pain-body energy, electromagnetic interferences, negative thought forms AKA psychic attacks and ‘sky muck’ AKA chem-trail toxins. Orgonite  attracts dead orgone energy, while quartz crystals purify and recycle the energy. This process of orgone generation is further enhanced with other specific minerals, shapes, coils and design features. Thus, Orgonite can release and radiate the energy with a renewed balance. Perhaps, this new energetic balance can aid us all– the bees, in the way we function, with all the new technologies and the side effects.

Etheric Warroirs ~ An Orgonite forum site, tutorials and discussion of a variety of topics. 

Orgonite also will redirect the energy of the cell phone tower to re-route it, to be a positive beacon. — Yes, the tower then, emanating generative, positive ions.  I’d recommend to research various videos about how orgonite works & also, how to make it! There are many helpful tips out there, how to make your own orgonite. I’ve posted two video’s in the blog, below, for you to check out.  Why not have an orgonite party for your friends? After making your masterpieces, practice meditation and healing work with your creations. Then, you can also decide if you’ll make ‘tower busters’ and go on an adventure to place them about in the bushes, near the towers, around you. Imagine orgonite as a gift for friends of yours who are into crystals, who are open to various modalities of healing and who are interested in energetic protection from NWO shenanigans.

This may only be a small step. However, to wear orgonite, have it in your home and place it near the towers near you could have profound changes in the energy you have circulating in your space.

This vid here teaches how to make cell phone tower-busters!

Orgonite Pyramid

Orgonite & Sea Glass pendants! Love these!!! I’m so inspired to create them.

Metal Shavings in cupcake pan, in making ‘Tower Busters’

‘Tower Busters’ with colorful variety!


  • ~~Shamanism~~

Utilizing our intuition to make mindful steps to help the land, the animals and ourselves.

What messages are you getting from the land?  The Beings (animals, plans, minerals, etc.) of the land will communicate with you if you allow some silence and deep reflection, in your days. You can experience this communication without the use of psychedelics or hiring your own psychic to dowse/intuit/cleanse, et al, — your land and then give ya the 4-1-1,  all for a large fee. Probably saying about things which you probably already know, deeply, with your own intuition.

Let us not doubt our intuition, in this crucial time.

Bee totem medicine, in the Native American teachings does symbolize the ‘honey of life,’ fertility, achieving what is thought to be IMPOSSIBLE.

What does this teach us? The disappearance of the bees seems like a daunting feat that we wonder, perhaps: “Is it too late? What if it just gets worse?” or “I’m so ashamed, I’ve played a part in this. How can I change?” But if we look to Bee medicine, we see that our lesson here is– do not be discouraged by how impossible problems seem.  When seeming flabbergasted or frustrated about something–asking: ‘Am I sure?’ ‘What is else is possible?’ ‘What lil step can I do to make a lil change happen?’  This intention, in and of itself will awaken truth within.

Here is an example of a guided Shamanic Journey.

Through Shamanic Journey techniques, it is uncovered all which that you need to know. The messages of truth have been right there, inside of you. For instance, in the city near me, a new quadrant of a mall was to be built. A student in one of my Shamanic Reiki classes began to take some time for her own Journeywork. She had a message come to her by a vision of a woodpecker, in her Journeywork. The Woodpecker suggested that she pass along a message to delay and stop the building of the mall– because it infringed on the woodpecker’s, and most likely many other bird species,’ habitat. Our Shamanic Journeying friend wondered if this information, which she received in Journeywork, was really true & what she could actually do about it. She began to do a little research. She found that, indeed, the mall’s construction interfered with a RARE/endangered woodpecker’s habitat! Hence, this was an incredible confirmation of her intuitive power. Now, she  also could go as far as connecting and make a contribution with groups, working to protect the land habitat. Even just spreading through word of mouth about land concerns, can be enough support of raising awareness and inspiring toward making a change.  Her story also strengthens the fact that this connectedness and ability to attune to nature is prevalent and happening, NOW. I think, we, making an effort to slow down & tap into our surroundings, increasingly, will aid us in what we can do– to put the radical change, needed, not only with issues with the disappearance of bees–  into motion.

Shamanic Journey is symbiotic with a rhythmic beat and/or sacred instruments, to aid in turning off that overly wrought with mental formations,  portion of your brain– (the pre-frontal cortex). This allowance of the prefrontal cortex to take a backseat, does assist you– to move into the deep mind. If you feel you do need some extra support, if you have not done Journeywork before, then most likely, in your area, there are Journey circle communities where you can gather and share Journeywork together. Also you can find practitioners who give some support and suggestions for your trancework and personal Journey time. Browse online on sites like for events and communities.

If you already practice Journeywork or would like to try it, spend some time in Journey. Find a favorite rhythmic drum track, which you’d like to listen to. Headphones or speakers will either do fine. Find a quiet/sacred space which you enjoy being in, to be cozy. Lie down to listen to the rhythmic track, which you’ve chosen. It’s important to not be suddenly aroused out of trancework, so please, be gentle with yourself and choose a space where you will have undisturbed peace. Preferably for a relaxing journey, darken the room– or place a handkerchief over your eyes. Much of the time, this enhancement of the dark, invites forth heightened sensitivity of the body’s other devices than sight of the two eyes. The darkening of artificial and outdoor light  helps you go into the deliciousness of the dark of the inward mystery.

Enter into a landscape, in your mind’s eye and see what you see. Much of the time, you’ll see an entrance point in a landscape, like a hole in a tree, a cave or you’ll be drawn to climb up a vine, or a rainbow!  Through your intention you’ll be able to manifest in your mind’s eye, to see guides — either animal or human form, within your Journey. Ask these animal or spirit guides your questions. Many times, you will meet with lifelong spirit guides and animal totem spirit guides. You also may be shown symbolism. If you do see an animal in your Journey, research their specific ‘totem medicine.’ If at any point, in the Journey, you’re not receiving clear answers or there’s a lull, ASK to see more. Perhaps your Journey will more be about bodily sensations and healing. If so, that’s ok and normal. Allow that to be and receive some of that alternate reality support through the unseen, healing Lightwork, coming through for you. If you feel uncomfortable during the journey, ASK for the scenes or energy to ‘ease up.’ This is all within you, so, you are safe & you call the shots and make the boundaries. As the drum track comes to a close, emerge from the Journey by seemingly allowing the imagery to rewind or imagine yourself moving backwards through the space you’ve been in. This process is a safe way to slowly bring your awareness back into your fingers, toes, limbs, torso. Stretch slowly. You may find it beneficial to journal about your experience. It’s always amazing to reread journal entries, as you may find insights from the past, speaking to your present day self, for one example!

It’s really positive for us to take some time in Journeywork and self- reflection!!!! It is this self-reflection which helps us grow Spiritually, to become increasingly mindful, aware of our bodies, our needs, our intuition!

Also, if you feel comfortable to do so, facilitate a Journey circle gathering. Many times, you’ll find when doing Shamanic Journey with friends, the message and images, sync up together! As a group– solutions, ideas, support, the missing pieces–all come together, in the time of sharing, after the Journeywork. Also, the group dynamic generates healing within each other and outwardly. One of the best things people, on the positive path, can do– is gather with like-minded, good folks and set intentions, be in meditation and send Light.

Bees and Sacred Geometry <– (Article linked within! A beautiful reflection, fractal reality. More, YET, about the special medicine of Bees.)

Sacred geometry of the honeycomb

Relating to our topic today, you may want set an intention to do a BEE JOURNEY! After reading about the totem a bit, perhaps, through the ‘linsdomain‘ article — (posted above, in this blog & linked there): Ask yourself: What does bee medicine mean to me? What can bee’s medicine teach me?:

More Bee Medicine reflections: Are you overworking? Are you beelieving in yourself? Are you creating what you want to bring to life– or are you focusing too much on what others say that you should be doing?

Self- reflection and receiving & integrating messages in Journeywork are all a helpful ways to see how we may be able to take an action, however small or gargantuan, to help our bee friends and also, bring healing to ourselves. See how Bee medicine is applying to your life. Allow ‘Bee’ and any spirit animal friends to bring messages through your Journeywork.

All of us can create a healthier, non-toxic, more inviting environment for ourselves AND for the bees– even in our own back yards, by growing plant varieties indigenous to your land which that provide pollen and nectar that attracts bees, avoiding unnecessary use of pesticides. A space of Love is Here and Now, don’t await it, create it. Also, keeping mindful caring in the forefront of our mind creates mindful actions. If we, as a community, set that mindfulness as our goal, we’ll see reality begin to make more radical shifts, in the way of the Positive Path.

“Mindful consumption is the way to heal ourselves and to heal the world.” ~ Thich Nhat Hanh

❥ Heart Healing ~ Our favorite PINK Crystals…

Esoteric, multi-dimensional Heart Healing just isn’t solely about pink stones for sweetness. Just like energetic heart healing  just isn’t about red stones for ‘love’ and/or vitality, lifeforce energy. Or just like it isn’t solely about GREEN stones…as the color of the heart charka centre, being a green color vibration.

Today, I was feeling ‘pink stone’ energy, and I just went with it– full on! It was Valentine’s day, today. Some four years ago, on Valentine’s day, I inexplicably broke out in hives. So then, I was very pink (and itchy, perhaps allergic to consumerism!)

But today, I was healthy. My skin, free of pink blotches, I was feeling bliss and gratitude. I donned pink, today, in heart-patterned, Bohemian garb. I wore my favorite rose quartz, wire-wrapped pendant, gifted to me from a childhood best friend. I even attracted images of pink roses to be posted to me, from some sweet friends, online.

What might ‘pink energy’ mean, regarding color therapy? (Don’t even get me started on Komen PINK foundation.)

~Pink Sapphire~

Ok, so, esoterically/spiritually when we speak about healing with pink energy or we think of the chakra system– pink is about the High Heart. The High Heart or the thymus chakra is the area right above  heart but– below the throat. You could say when you massage your breastbone area, (which definitely needs some lovingly attention. Sometimes the heart is more sore, than we are consciously aware, often.)– you are massaging the High Heart. Give yourself a lovely massage today, while filling yourself with blissful thought/energy! Ahhh….
This energetic centre of the High Heart is where we focus our energy when we wish to practice speaking from the heart. This High Heart area is an energy centre of where past life energy converges. Your past life merits and memories lie celluarly, within the High Heart.

I also associate pink energy with that of gentleness, sweet friendship, platonic love. Perhaps pink means other things to you!! Take the poll below: 🙂

~Pink & Green Tourmaline ! Beautiful Heart Healer and Balancer!~

Today, I read a simple and wonderful article about combining a trio of pink stones. It was suggested that wearing Rose Quartz, Rhodondite, and Rhondochrosite would be very helpful for heart energy balance, healing and to aid in flow of LOVE energy.  We certainly do not solely NEED crystals to feel balance, flowing peacefulness and LOVE. However, if you feel called to invite some crystals into your life, the energy/devas of the stones are wonderful assistants with aiding energy, vibrational flow. Our crystal friends bring fun and play into our lives!

I felt inspired to write a bit about the metaphysical properties these ‘heart trio’ stones mentioned and share a bit of my findings about  my other favorite pink stones..

Rose Quartz ~ A stone of love. Rose quartz is so well known and so well loved. The stone is a great ‘go to‘ for someone who is just getting into working with crystals, for the first time.  Rose Quartz is a clean, clear energy for aiding in cultivating and resurrecting self-love. Rose Quartz loves to be placed into crystal grid work … <– Link there, to an interesting book of crystal grid work writings/suggestions.

Kunzite ~ This stone will lovingly, with ease, help one open to more unconditional love for oneself and for the world. Feel discouraged with the events on the world stage? Feel dehumanized or undervalued? Kunzite will help you rekindle that self-love in a powerful, slowly- igniting-BURN way. Kunzite will help you heal those worries, being overwrought with concern for the world. Kunzite will help balance energy if you’ve had too much adreneline due to stress, trauma, intense ruminating thoughts. Divine Love abounds. Kunzite will help you open your higher chakras, with grace and ease, to feel and see that ever present support of the cosmos, the Angels, the Source– again and again. Ask Kunizte to aid you in CLAIRVOYANCE! You are never alone, never separate! Thank you, Kunzite!

Morganite (Pink Beryl) ~ This stone comes in to help you attract that Divine Soulmate relationship &– my friends, that relationship just might be with solely yourself, for the time being. That’s ok! Hey, There’s plenty of LOVE, INSIDE! Morganite will help you open your eyes– all eyes– the Buddha eye, your Sangha eye, your third eye, the eye of Love, in a slow, graceful way– but revelations will reveal themselves to your eyes, with Morganite. And, There will be magic and synchronicities, if you just allow the eyes to open softly, with awareness! Morganite is a beautiful heart balancer. Morganite will aid you in searching within your High Heart chakra centre and support your Journeywork, especially regarding– past life scenarios. This type of Journeywork with past life is beautifully healing especially when we see present day issues, as patterned energy/ habit energy, which are not serving your highest good, any longer. Turn to Morganite for support with aligning with LOVE, inside and out, forgiving, shedding the old, clearing space for the NEW and MOVING ON UP!

Rhodonite ~ “Rhodonite has quite a distinct pink or rose red color, although material containing black veins is more popular than the uniform pink. This is a stone of self confidence born out of trust in your own heart, your own voice, and your own choices. Carrying this stone will keep your mind calm, allowing you to process chaotic situations and patiently assess your options. Rhodonite will strengthen your resolve, helping you be more disciplined in your walk. Helps us to express confidence and lovingness on physical plane in day-to-day ways with those around us. Rhodonite calms and feeds the soul through the heart; love and service.” ~excerpt from;

Rhondochriste ~ This stone will aid you in your meditations, bringing soothing self love energy to you and assist with Shamanic Journeywork. If you need some support in healing childhood wounding, especially while traversing through the process of Soul Retrieval work/integrating after a Soul Retrieval session, Rhondochrosite is just one stone, of the like, for you!

Pink Sapphire ~ This stone will help you clear emotional blockages, in the heart and High Heart,  like a PINK FLAME!! Place those desires– ON THE FIRE, baby! Pink Sapphire will aid your heart in surrender. This surrender is the letting go desires, of needing to control every which situation. Pink Sapphire is the power stone of the folk wisdom: “Let go & Let God.”

Pink Tourmaline ~ Attraction of a  True Love!! Pink Tourm is also a Succulent Love revival and good abundance attraction for and in a relationship-kinda-stone. Pink Tourmaline is helpful in  emotional balancing to the High Heart area, healing past-love trauma. Strong feminine YIN vibration with Pink Tourmaline, definitely can be felt. This deva will help you tap into those deep, Goddess Roots. This stone is also supportive for males who are in need of balance, when feeling exhausted from ‘going through the motions of daily drudgery.’ If you need comfort of a strong heart-y stone, wish to invite in an ABUNDANCE OF LOVE and also support, Pink Tourmaline is for you. This deva will assist you to keep the heart HIGH in good vibes– Hey, Invite Pink Tourmaline deva or any stone deva to be around you!!

Mangano calcite ~ Soft, peaceful, flowing love energy. When you just would love a love ‘sprinkle.’ It’s like having a refreshing rain shower to receive relief from overbearing heat in summer. This is a perfect stone to place under your pillow, for a soft brushing of the Angel wings of LOVE, the whole night through.

Pink Petalite ~ This stone will aid you with alignment with your heartsong, spiritual unfoldment, & also, very much help you tap into the realm of the plant devas and the Love of the 4D positive Faeries!

Know that you can, as I said– simply just invite the essence or deva of the stone/crystal to be around you. Sometimes buying rare stones can be expensive. Sometimes lugging around your stones from place to place is heavy in weight or maybe you’re concerned you’d lose a stone or cause some breakage to it, in travel. Spend time connecting with the energy of your stones or in meditation or Shamanic Journeywork. Ask the stones/crystals’ deva to be with you, and when you feel their energy is needed for the highest and best good, You then, can channel the energy of the stone/crystal through your hands, for self healing, or healing of your holistic-hands-on healing clients.  

                                        ~Pink Petalite, Raw~                                      


~Rose Quartz~


Pink energy and REAL LOVE, AHO! I hope you enjoyed my writing. Please, Comment about your most favorite pink stones which you’re working with, lately/over the years. Share if you’ve been practicing color therapy & share some testimonials!

More on color therapy:

One does not need to buy a Special Lighting unit for color healing . There are colored light bulbs at any party-favor store. Once you chose what light bulb color you’d like to utilize…. Simply spend some time in meditation, under a colored light bulb, w/ your desk lamp. Generally, a green light bulb will serve as a balancer, in color therapy. A yellow light bulb can be uplifting, if you’re feeling quite down and needing some energizing. A red light bulb would bring a grounding/vitality force, if you’re feeling lethargy or apathy. A blue light bulb could be calming, if you’ve been having hyper energy excess. However, check in with that intuition of yours, trust thyself and perhaps, research a bit on the color you are drawn to, for your own healing color therapy session. Viva los colores!

~~Coming Next: Green Stone Healing, for the Heart! Just in time for thee IDES OF MARCH AND ST PATRICK’S DAY! 😉


⊕ Shamanic Endeavors ☼ Portion Two दो: Sound

The shape of sound & Sound Healing

You may want to eventually mute your sound on that video, especially if you have dogs, they many not appreciate it, as much, as you may find it interesting. 😉

  Let’s reflect about these patterns created by sound frequencies.

Visual Alchemy

Where do these patterns truly lie on the continuum of our reality and how can the sacred Geometry within be healing for yourself and your clients?

Visual Alchemy

Since we see that sound has that beautiful effect of bringing forth balanced formations in sand, we can imagine how the balance can be brought forth with sacred intention within ourselves, loved ones and our clients (if you have a healing practice.)

The effects of sound vibration in water.

And to think….of our human body composition ~60-70 percent WATER.

I invite you to this exercise:

Take note how you are feeling before you begin this exercise. I have two tracks here, a sweet ambient, flowing track and also Tibetan Bowls. Also feel free to choose another similar track in your collection or on YouTube. Then, Sit and listen ~ If you body wants to move…stand up…and flow– just allow and move as you are lead.

What do you note now feels different in your body?

If you have Tibetan bowls, crystal bowls, sacred bells or tinkshas around you and you utilize them, here’s a practice for you. If you have an oracle card deck– Take a breath, don’t overthink or do too much– and just pull out a card in front of you, in this moment. What does this card say/invoke?

Now.. with the cleansing of your breath and sitting around your Tibetan bowls and/sacred bells …ring them for a time, clearing the cobwebs away of the mind. Now, pick another card from your deck. How about this card? Does this resonate more deeply with your inner mind? Might you say, the sound healing brought forth more balance and clarity of which card you were drawn to chose?

This was just a simple exercise to get into the practice of clearing energy and intentionally becoming clearer in mind. We see how important clarity can be in our practices, throughout the day.

Balance of Energy is Key ~ and Sound can really aid us, in this!

The Balancing Act by Amy Brown

Bowls and Bells are definitely not absolutely needed before card readings or healing sessions, but it’s a favorite way for me to clear my space, around me and also the cobwebs in the mind.

Before or after a session with a client to receive Reiki on my table, I certainly like to invite the bell to sound. Also I find it helpfully clearing to be utilizing a sacred rattle to clear energy after a session.

Another example, We love our favorite bands … We have affinities to certain types of sound creation, made by certain people and their creative mingling of instruments, lyrics and the way they choose to integrate the sound of voice and the method of playing these instruments. There is a lot to be said about how an artist creates their music and their own  inter-workings of their minds!!

Find your own heart song, each day. Hum, sing, drum, BE your heart song.

So, we may want to tune in to our body, seek to find the method with which we’d like to bring Sound Healing into our lives! Yes, yes, yes, Be the Music!