The realms of Spirit, Breath, Life ~ Shamanic Endeavors

Archive for August, 2012

The illusion of separation and loss in Planetary Ascension.

Coming up, a Lotus in bloom … Spending most of this summer in deep process …. my writing has been on more of a back burner. However, part of my process now is taking that simmering pot and placing it to the front of the proverbial ol’ stove…. and gettin’ that writing BURNIN’ again!

I’ve been processing about what seems like separation and loss, very intensely, recently. Feeling a sense of abandonment and vulnerability has cropped up this year, more than ever before. I look around to some friends who are enduring some kind of loss, as well.
There’s loss of a long-term relationship or marriage, short relationships dissipating, loss of old paradigms, lifestyles which seem to have run their course are falling away & belief systems which have been limiting spiritual growth are broken through, circles of friends shifting, being called to move to different places, people and four-leggeds crossing over …. I do see this as all a part of the shakedown of 2012 and path divergence, to a new reality.

But also there is a LOT of BIRTH too!! Lotsa new souls comin’ in to witness this SHIFT & also, keeping in mind that space for new beginnings and deep healing waaaaaay opens up when it seems we’ve lost someone or something. The one’s we’ve lost are really quite near.  Their continuation goes on, they are in EVERYTHING, in every corner and nook in nature and they are within the essence of each of our compositions. Just because these loved ones have touched our lives, for a brief time or for many years– We are always connected. No Coming, No Going.

Right now, I’m taking solace in my healing process and gettin’ down and grimy — all up in the exact vibration of where I’m at. Either extremely hurt, irritable and fatigued ……or hopeful, bright and cheery for what’s to come…It’s been a detailed painting of the ALL, these past months.  Some days, during my process of seeming loss have been tough, but I come back to my breathing and my practice of meditation ~ whether it’s an engaged practice and mindfulness in my household tasks (sweeping, dishes, laundry) or doing walking meditation, I’ve just taking this ascension wave, a breath at time….and REALLY deep breathing, at that. At times, breath of fire has really helped.

~A new dawn~

~To a New Path~

~ To new UNIONS, COMMUNING, & Love with Wisdom~

Art by Jo Jayson ~


The feelings of seeming loss and other intense emotions and physical symptoms are all a part of the Ascension. What are examples of ascension symptoms and happenings?

Typical Ascension Symptoms

Here is a list of many of the symptoms which have been paired to the Earth vibrational change. This isn’t shared to elicit a sense of hypochondria, but rather to educate on how one’s body assimilates energy:

Extreme fatigue

Depression, anxiety and panic

Memory lapses, moments of confusion regarding time/schedules * (A few friends and I call this, ‘Ascensionheimers’ ;-> )

Cannot eat what you always liked to consume, in the past

Suddenly stopping of using substances ~ getting into sobriety or simply cannot tolerate being ‘altered’ by harsh chemicals

Needing to take a break from a circle of friends ~ Noticing some friends suddenly dropping off

Noticing more loss ~ pets crossing over and also those people who have been ailing, in health, may be crossing over in larger numbers

Intense or disturbing dreams, nightmares, terrors

Dreams of contact with positive, otherworldly Beings ~ Dreams of being in classrooms or on Retreat

Body tremor and shaking extremities

Strange skin ailments — itching, rashes which come and go

Extreme sensitivity to heat and cold

Heart burn, gastro intestinal upset, digestive issues

Emotional overload, sensitivity

Headaches, heaviness on the brow and scalp, blurry eyes which clear up suddenly

Revival of childhood ailments ie: Tonsillitis, poison ivy, earaches, allergies, old fears all arising.

Extremely cold feet and hands

Suddenly feeling intense emotions ~ and processing these emotions, sometimes, very quickly and shifting into bliss and happiness

What does this mean?
“As you take in more Light, increasing your energetic vibration or frequency, your physical body and emotions can and will experience “symptoms” which manifest sometimes as dis-ease or difficulty. The reason we experience these symptoms is because the body is working incredibly hard to assimilate the energy it is receiving, and to release in an offload of energy.  The body will demonstrate side-effects as a result.

These symptoms are natural and often can be treated with time, rest, meditation, walking meditation, yogic practices, talking with spiritual teachers & reading positive literature, speaking with like-minded friends, exercise and focus. I can personally attest to utilizing breathing to slow the heart rate, admist panic attacks, arising. However, if you are experiencing a symptom which is causing you any amount of consistent & long-term worry, extreme discomfort or fear, maybe simply consult, both Western and Homeopathic doctors. While these ascension symptoms are a bi-product of energetic Ascension, they can have very real and physical effects on your body. However, I’d recommend anyone to stay away from heavy, psychotropic pharmaceuticals, as they are often quite addictive and just a band-aid for a deep rooted issues.  Suggestions about why you may be having the symptoms you may be having….are in ~Louise Hay, You Can Heal Your Life. This book was one of main teachers to me, during the beginning steps on my spiritual path when I had questions about the root cause of some debilitating lower back pain and sciatica.    Consult a Western doctor, chiropractor or Homeopathic doctor as necessary, remembering your body is an important vessel in need of your mindful care and upkeep. So, Eagle medicine comes in to play here. Feet (talons) firmly in the Earth. Crown (wings) facing up, to the sky.”

Also, if you are grieving the loss of a person or pet from crossing over — and need support, I would invite anyone to seek help within not just one person– but perhaps a community & a variety of helpful avenues. In delectable books, beautiful transcendent music ….  and perhaps in a supportive meditation group– Sangha, Satsang. For me, my Sangha (Buddhist, Spiritual community) got me through the spiritual maturation which I sought to cultivate, in my 20’s. I sought support with Reiki Practitioners and also went to Reiki shares, but only while I *could* tolerate all that energy, from everyone. I am less able to do so, now. In receiving Lightwork, receiving massage & chiropractic alignment brings the visceral foundation support to the physical… through how the body is processing vibrational changes. And seeking Shamanic Practitioners for, perhaps, sound healing, crystal therapy, or working with techniques of the Land Ancestors’ way to heal fragmentation and displaced energy within the mental/emotional body, due to grief energies…
Also ~~

These books are also quite helpful:

Thich Nhat Hanh’s No Death No Fear
(This book is not solely about the loss of a person, but dealing w/ loss, in general, here, on Earth)

Steven Levine’s : Who Dies? An Investigation of Conscious Living and Conscious Dying

I Never Held you: Miscarriage, Grief and Healing Recovery by Ellen DuBois and Dr Linda Backman

The Art of Grief: by J. Earl Rogers

Crossing the Rainbow Bridge: Your Pet: When it’s time to Let go by Robert Scott

And these are only to name of a few grief and loss support books. There’s a myriad of support we can delve into within literature.
Also, There’s plenty of forums online which speak openly about ascension symptoms. A link below to click… to a great Facebook page with detailed posts, links & friends who can support what we’re all going through.

What can we do to nurture our environment (Space of Love)?

For Yourself:

– Not fighting sleep when you’re tired and not being hard on yourself if you’re uber lazy feeling– when you’re going through an energy lull.
– Not answering the phone at night….take a break from cell phone radiation. Do your friends have Skype? Using the compi to speak rather than the bluetooth/cell phone is a bit better, for me, I find.
– Turning away from watching asinine programming on the TV and instead– reading inspiring, books of useful wisdom.
– Meditating
– Taking soaking baths
– Watching inspiring videos & listening to uplifting, resonate music for you
– Smudging your space either with elixir sprays or herbs
– Doing ceremony for the grounds where you dwell

For Others:
• Send a heartfelt email or card to a friend whom you haven’t spoken to in a while, let ’em know you’re thinking positively of them.
Take some clothes or food to a space where you know the homeless are taking shelter in, within your town.
• Facilitate a circle in your home or community ~meditation, gifting circle, Shamanic Journey circle, dancing workshop, Positive literature/book discussion, world events discussion, drumming, trance dance, potluck…
• Share about your process in a video or a blog …Share your ART– join a poetry circle, attend an art meetup group, get a table to share your art at local festivals, expo’s … Join an ‘Artist’s Way‘ Process group.
•  Spend some quality time w/ good friends, share some Light, Energywork, Massage, Shamanic Healing, Positivity-speak, Resources and HUMOR!
• Asking about bartering your wares and what you’re growing in you garden with folks in your local town
• Peace activism! If you don’t like how things are going down in your town, let’s all get out N mindfully oust !! Voice at the city/town meetings!

Here something we need to be reeeeally mindful, in these times:

• Doing something for others and expecting something in return, including praise and recognition
Not Violating Natural Law (Karma’s a Bitch, only if you are.) — Meaning, no stealing or violence on ANY level for any purpose. Non Aggression Principle. Honoring everyone’s free will to not be harmed in any way. (Also, Being mindful not to have violence in our words. Keeping this in mind for the protest line, in our work, with children and in our homes. ((Non Violent communication.)) Summing it up: Keep self-righteousness and entitlement in check. We’re all in this together and we need to BAND together. I hope all sides and Beings can see this, and BE this, NOW.
• Not flinging platitudes disguised as spiritual advice at people. ((ie, “If you really wanted to manifest (fill in whatever people think is lacking) God would have sent it to you, if you really needed it.” ~~ Sorry, but, Eff off, LOA. ))
• Doing something for others that gives the message they are weak, helpless or incompetent.
• Constantly rescuing loved ones, clients, friends from getting the consequences of their behavior and preventing them from learning about cause-and-effect. This can also be called, ‘enabling.’
• Seeking retribution or retaliation
• Holding resentment
• Playing the victim/blaming others/playing small
• Being mindful to not go into rabbit holes of topics with those who asked not to know facts of atrocities of what is really going on here on Earth. We don’t have to shake awake, everyone whom, we meet. Plant seeds, Be Peace.

Keep it simple in these times …. Just Shine on, you crazy diamond. 😉

REBIRTH, new human!

 What I’ve found to be a yummy honey-heart-healing, through my recent catalyst of seeming separation and loss is a deepening to SEE the present moment. Through seeing the present moment, I am a stonger, more grounded in energy & see who is really there for me, now and take deep gratitude, in that.

Either way, the pangs or sentimental longings …. I’ve been riding the waves…. And found a deeper gratitude for the loves ones who are actively, there for me, loving me in the moment!

I came across this song …. Fear no Pain by Willy Mason

Gonna be leavin’

I’m gonna be leavin’ soon,

this I know I’m gonna be leavin’ soon

Where the water tastes like moonshine

Leavin’ soon, this I know

Don’t you miss me then

Don’t you miss me when I go

Don’t you miss me then

Just sleep my lady friend

And wait ’til I come home

I ain’t gonna fear no pain

I ain’t gonna fear no pain anymore

Ain’t gonna fear no pain ~ Ain’t nothin’ worth that strain

I’m gonna walk in the hands of the Lord~ And God won’t do me wrong

God won’t do me wrong, this I know God won’t do me wrong

My steps became so strong Now I know He won’t do me wrong


Allow the stories, the attachments and grief, the anxiety to wash away…. And trust that your process is bringing you to the truest Love & Peace, always.  We are ultimately SAFE & and ALL will be OK!

How are you going through your process? Please, feel free to share in comments!