The realms of Spirit, Breath, Life ~ Shamanic Endeavors

A friend had posted this picture of what I deemed a ‘Rainbow Beetle.’

I started think, what would a ‘Rainbow-Animal medicine’ be?

Perhaps…a Chakra balancer…a reminder of inviting color therapy into your life…a reminder to practice Shamanic Journey increasingly in your life…to meet new realms, new teachers, new Spirit guides, new friends.

In Ted Andrew’s, Nature Speak oracle book, Actual Rainbow’s medicine is that of a hidden gift. Andrews considers the medicine of the Rainbow to be that of the: hidden to come forward in a bright, positive way because LIGHT refraction is bringing forward the spectrum color, in a Rainbow! So, when you’re seeing Rainbows, especially a patterning of encountering rainbows — even the fact that you’re reading this post, Rainbow Medicine is coming your way. Here it is:
“There is a gift coming your way. It has been hidden, and will be a (good) surprise. It may be a gift, long overdue.” Also, “Look for opportunities to heal and be healed.” So, keeping your awareness at the forefront, yet relax, surrender. Allow your inner knowing to whisper truths, needed next step of guidance in your ear. Therefore, you can respond in such a way, for your highest and best good to bring blessings and FUN, into your life.

Rainbows carry the full spectrum, literally and figuratively of healing and balance. Allow, gently, THE WHOLENESS of your system to be strengthened by the full spectrum!


7 minute, Rainbow Chakra Tune-up!

Full Hour Crystal Bowl, Rainbow Vibration Meditation!


When we hear about the Rainbow Warrior…what does it mean to you?

“To People of the land, the Rainbow held significance. Prophesies and stories of many nations, from the Hopi and Zuni in the Southwest to the Cherokee in the Southeast, from the Cree in the far north, the great Sioux nations of the plains, to the Mayan people of the far south, the Rainbow was a focal point of spiritual belief.”

In the Cree tradition… it was prophesied that one day, because of the human’s distortions and greed, there would come a time, during a sadness as the earth being polluted and disrespected– there would rise the “Keepers of the legend, stories, culture rituals, and myths, and all the Ancient Tribal Customs.” These people would be needed to restore us to health, making the earth green again. Understandings of the Ancients’ way would be mankind’s key to survival. Those who were Keepers of these understandings were the “Warriors of the Rainbow“. There would come a day of awakening when all the peoples of all the tribes would form anew: Justice, Peace, Wisdom, Freedom and recognition of the Great Spirit.

We are THE FAMILY OF Light. We are the Ones we’ve been waiting for.

Get DOWN, my people!!! Groove to some mindful action and Be Peace!


A pic, which I shot, one beautiful October day, near the Cooper River ~ when w/ a very dear friend. Feeling the Love & Togetherness…the sky mirrored my harmony.

And finally ~ I’d like to share, one of my ultimately favorite trees. The Rainbow Eucalyptus!

How is this tree so Rainbow-ous?! : “The bark shedding cycle gives the rainbow eucalyptus tree its vibrant colors. As the tree grows, the smooth bark peels away. This exfoliation of the outer layer of bark gives way to the bright-green inner bark. The additional colors are a result of the bark maturing, with dark maroon being the last color before the bark is shed. Because this process does not occur all at once on the tree!”


Rainbow Eucalyptus Tree -1. Detail of trunk.

Pic by JannK on Flickr


“Rainbow Eucalyptus”

Pic by Bojorchess on Flickr


Road to Hana – Rainbow Eucalyptus

Pic by chad podoski on Flickr

GOD/GODDESS, the cosmos, LOVES US! And there is your proof.

Being One with the Rainbow,

Kate Bee Moon

Comments on: "Rainbow Beings’ Totem Medicine ッ" (8)

  1. I love these rainbow images! And the picture you took of the sky is STUNNING! Would you mind sending it to me? I’d like to use it as the background on my phone 🙂

  2. Yamyah said:

    Kate, these are wonderful and inspiring pictures, thanks for sharing! The first thing that came up to mind when i saw the picture of the rainbow beetle was its ressemblance to the mystic topaz stones 🙂 colours are everywhere around us (in food too) so we can heal and energize those chakras out of balance or depleted, i feel. Much Love to you and have an inspiring Sunday ~

    • Thank you, Yamyah!!
      I do love mystic topaz ~ I’m so happy that the Beetle reflected that to you. I have a mystic topaz ring (heart shaped, btw 😀 ) which I love to wear for that extra amped up– perhaps mostly– 3rd eye protection and support, in the day. I also have a twilight topaz which is mostly Orange, w/ yellow and pink..with a hint of green. Very cool with ultimate 2nd chakra balance vibe to it! Have you seen them/have one in your collection of crystal friends?
      Wishing you an inspiring day, as well!!! Peace Be! ❤

  3. Yamyah said:

    They sound very beautiful 🙂 i too am very fond of mystic topaz…i have an a ring (green, pink and blue) and a blue mystic topaz pendant. I noticed my dreams seem to be more lucid when i wear the blue pendant, might be a coincidence… then again i was told they used mystic topaz in Ancient Egypt to develop their psychic potential 🙂

    Peace and Light ~

    • Ahhh yes~ Our ancient Egypt ancestry
      roots! Thanks for pointing that out!
      I’ll look up images of a ‘blue’ mystic topaz gem!!
      Also, I had found a CZ ring which is coloured, heat treated to emulate a Mystic Topaz. At the time, I had just not found the mystic topaz which I wanted to invite into my I picked up this CZ, cubic zirconia. This CZ stone actually radiates like a lovely mystic topaz and many ppl comment on how it really invites the eye in. ❤ Very cool, mystic 'sister' to the topaz!

  4. Yamyah said:

    Hi Kate,

    i am intrigued by your CZ ring now as it is a stone i have never had myself 🙂 i’ll be googling them in a while. Do you know if this stone has healing properties?

    • Hi Yamyah ~ when I research Zirconium, I see written ” It is said to assist one with bringing continuity to activities and seeing situations from different points of view. It can aid in the intention of gathering information” Did you google any cool images?

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